The Schedule

Day 1

February 23rd, 2023

8:15a - 8:45a

Coffee, Warmup, Intention Setting, & Opening Remarks

Spencer Ivy

MCD Lobby

Session 1: Meaning & Movement

9:00a - 9:40a

Affectivity in the Artistic Experience of Dance

Petronella Foultier

MCD Theater

9:50a - 10:30a

Meaningful and Mythic Movement: Susanne Langer's Philosophy of Dance

Michael Trocchia

MCD Theater

10:40a - 11:20a

The Meaning in Contemporary Dance

Edyta Kuzian

MCD Theater

Lunch 11:20a - 12:25p

Session 2: Improvisation, Play, & The Divine (Active Workshops)

12:30p - 1:50p

Creativity, Improvisation, & Play

Eric Handman & Thi Nguyen

MCD Studio 240

2:00p - 3:20p

Embodied Movement: Accessing Immateriality through Materiality

Joselli Deans

MCD Studio 240

Break: 3:20p - 4:00p

First Keynote Address

4:00p - 5:00p

Playing the Changes: Corporeal Orature and Black Aesthetic Liveliness 

Thomas DeFrantz

HEB, Room#: 2004

Break: 5:00p - 5:30p

Gala Performance @ MCD Theater: 5:30p - 7:30p


Day 2

February 24th, 2023

8:15a - 8:45a

Coffee, Warmup, Intention Setting

Spencer Ivy

Dumke Room, Alumni House

Session 3: Circus & Spectacle

9:00a - 9:40a

Subversive Gestures: Living without horologue time and its parallel of my hair suspension practice

Mykelle Walton

Dumke Room, Alumni House

9:50a - 10:30a

In Defense of the Spectacle

Meg Wallace

Dumke Room, Alumni House

Break: 10:30a - 10:45a

Session 4: Cognition & Creativity

10:50a - 11:30a

What is Creativity?

Lindsay Brainard

Dumke Room, Alumni House

11:40a - 12:20p

Six Forms of Dance Cognition

Ben Baker

Dumke Room, Alumni House

Lunch Break 12:20p - 2:00p

Session 4: Partnering & Epistemology (Active Workshop)

2:00p - 3:00p

Practicing Joint Action through Attunement: A Somatic Partnering Workshop

Ilya Vidrin

Dumke Room, Alumni House

Break: 3:00 - 3:15

Session 5: Style

3:15p - 4:00p

Control Models and Styles of Skillful Action

Noam Tiran

Dumke Room, Alumni House

4:05p - 4:45p

Natural Expressivity and the Philosophy of Dance: Self-reflective communication

Alex Mendez

Dumke Room, Alumni House

Break: 5:00p - 5:30p

Second Keynote Address

5:30p - 6:30p

The Focused Dancer and the Attentional Focus Effect

Barbara Montero

Dumke Room, Alumni House